Reach Tens of Thousands of Lifeguard Members and Interested Individuals Nationwide with Your Advertisement
The American Lifeguard and Safety Training™ is a trademark program of the American Lifeguard Association®. For over 30 years, the Association has been a leader in lifeguard training, certifying over 250,000 individuals worldwide. Our national lifeguard programs have been recognized by the US Labor Department as being equivalent to the American Red Cross training programs.
In collaboration with the Global Lifeguards and the Swimming Pool and Spa Foundation, both 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, the American Lifeguard Association® has made significant strides in promoting safety and training, becoming the fastest-growing national lifeguard association in the USA.
Let the American Lifeguard Association assist in promoting your lifeguard positions. We offer the unique opportunity to reach our extensive network of tens of thousands of lifeguard members and interested individuals nationwide via our email list. Having provided American Lifeguard & Safety Training™ for more than three decades, we have a comprehensive reach and understanding of the industry. You have full control over the content and timing of your message, with no restrictions on length.
Over the years, we've compiled a substantial list comprising emails of current American Lifeguard Association members, pool owners, beach patrols, and swimming pool management companies. Your advertisement can be targeted to specific areas of interest, ensuring it reaches the right audience. For immediate impact, our network ensures your message is promptly delivered. The cost for each help wanted ad is only $500.00.
Why wait? Act now to broadcast your message effectively. Advertising with the ALA is straightforward and yields immediate results.
(1) What do you want your "Subject Line" of the email to say
(2) What you want to be sent. We need word-for-word what you want us to forward to our members. We cannot accept an attachment, and the ad needs to be in text form only.
(3) Let us know when you want it sent. It can be multiple dates. You will be charged $500.00 for each date the advertisement is requested to be sent. If you are requesting several dates we ask that you pay at this time for all the separate dates and just let us know in the follow-up email, which dates you would like the ad to be sent.
(4) Where to email the invoice, along with the contact person, the full address, phone number, and purchase number if applicable.